
Gospel Artists Performing At Secular Events: Focus on the Message, Not the Venue – Diana Hamilton

Ghanaian gospel music star Diana Hamilton has added her voice to the ongoing discussion surrounding gospel musicians’ performances at secular events, arguing that the emphasis should be placed on the message conveyed rather than the location itself.

Hamilton said in an interview with Hitz FM that Jesus came for the lost, not the righteous. When He sends you, He prepares you for the destination and the recipient. Everybody has a task to complete. Reaching the elite who don’t believe in God is someone’s task. They need to be contacted in a way that appeals to them since they believe they have it all.

Hamilton’s comments are in direct response to the criticism leveled against fellow gospel artist Broda Sammy, who has been performing at secular events as a means of reaching non-religious audiences with his message.

Broda Sammy has explained that his mission is to lead people to Christ by meeting them where they are, even if it means performing in venues not traditionally associated with gospel music.

“We all have our assignments; maybe that is his assignment, and he is reaching out to them. And so, let’s leave Broda Sammy to do his ministry as he says God has asked,” Hamilton added, defending Sammy’s approach.

Addressing the broader topic, Hamilton emphasized that the core issue is the message being shared, not the setting. “We do weddings; we do birthday parties. The thing is, what message are you taking there? I’m taking Jesus Christ, Him crucified, Him loving us, regardless. I’m telling you that Jesus loves you, regardless,” she explained.

Furthermore, Diana Hamilton stressed that Jesus’s mission was to reach those who were not already saved, and Christians should emulate this by venturing beyond their comfort zones to share their faith with others.

“He didn’t come for the saints. He came for the lost, the unsaved. And when He brings you to Himself, He expects you to bring the others on the other side. Go and bring them. Don’t stay there,” she concluded.

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